What a year!
This year has brought many changes some wanted, some needed and some very difficult to take.
As a person I have grown, learnt and adapted.
This is in my personal, professional and spiritual life. (I use the term spiritual in a loose term – more in that in another blog)
The first few months of this year where probably the toughest, with life throwing curve balls at me left right and centre. With things that can never be changed and also never be fully understood.
Then life smoothed for a while and some wonderful things happened just when I thought it was all going to be over. I stopped to breathe and in that space the wonderfulness swept in. (The moral here hang on and keep believing).
And the last month of the year has reminded me to slow down and go with flow, slow down to an almost stop, know that life has priorities and sometimes you have to drop some of the balls, (to focus on the real value of life) and you don’t have to pick all the balls back up, some can be left behind, lightening the load.
In this final month of the year my friends have shown me and my family so much generosity I am so grateful to them, I have not been able to return the generosity just yet, but will do so throughout the next year.
I look forward to the new year and all the possibilities that it holds.
This year:
- Bereavement family and friends
- Business upheaval and tough decisions
- Health scare (not me but a loved one)
- Life decisions (involving the kids)
These things have taught me:
Something’s can never be changed.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help(show your vulnerability).
Eat the cake, buy the car.
Make the best decisions with the information you have, don’t be afraid to change your mind. Some decisions are not a one way ticket but if you don’t try it you will never know!