Posts In: yoga

yoga teaching

Over the years my own yoga and my approach to teaching has changed and adapted. Never anything to sudden just that slow creep of gaining knowledge and confidence and allowing it to filter its way in. (more…)

more stretching less stressing“I doubt I’ll be able to do yoga because I’m not flexible enough”

Well guess what I was not flexible when I started yoga. The flexibility is a side effect of moving
your body mindfully through safe yet effective ranges of movement.

“I doubt I’ll be able to get the breathing right”

Do not worry everybody thinks that. I often don’t get the perfect connection between body and
breath but it ain’t that bigger deal. It’s called yoga practice for a reason because practice is what
we are doing and sometimes it’s not perfect and that’s ok.

“I doubt I’ll be able to stop my monkey mind”

You don’t have to stop it, but it’s amazing how by giving yourself something else to concentrate
on like movement and breathing that the monkeys all fall asleep anyway.

Do doubt but do it anyway



Sash   •ॐ•


dalai lama

I believe that yoga is for everyone and doesn’t have to be all fancy and tie yourself in knots (that bit is optional 🙂 . Yoga should be a way to check in with your body and mind and address any icky bits with kindness and love. Everybody has everyday stresses and strains and sometimes we have heavy life loads to carry.

Yoga really cares about you and so do I, I know that yoga even if it’s just once a week can have a significant impact on well-being.

So if you don’t have space or the discipline to practice at home, then I have created a calm, comfortable environment where there is no judgement just friendship and kindness.

So whether you decide to come once a month, once a week or several times a week your mini yoga retreat is here at yoga movement studio.

